Monday, September 10, 2012

little bit of an update...

Just wanted to give a quick update from our life.
I am still prego with the babes and we are just waiting around for them to get here
(we are really impatient)
Even though we have been into labor and delivery FIVE times
we have made it past the 34 week goal our doctor gave us weeks ago.
We are actually officially 35 weeks today :)
excited we are getting so close!
 Hopefully we will be getting two little nuggets here in the next few weeks!!!

WHOOP WHOOP 34 weeks :)

This was my 4th time in labor and delivery and my first time staying overnight
which by the way was AWFUL...

And this is what happened to my legs and feet after my overnight stay in the hospital
it was painful and NOT fun at all, so glad my feet are back to normal.

34 week prego pic
yes I'm huge and I was measuring about 42/43 weeks if I was prego with a singleton
I am only getting bigger and trust me my stomach is awful
BUT I get two lovely children out of it
cant wait to meet them :)

Friday, July 6, 2012

pregnancy + myself = emotional wreck

So, it's been a long while since I updated the blog world.
It's been a crazy past couple of weeks, especially this last week!
Let's just say I am trying so hard to enjoy being pregnant.
I won't lie when I say it's a tough job.
I cry over EVERYTHING and I miss being able to do anything for myself!
Emotionally I would say I have reached my limit,
but I am going to keep pushing for these cute little bambinos growing inside me
that are making it so hard to breath and sleep and pretty much do anything :)
(I still love them)

Week 23

Week 24

Week 25

NOTE TO SELF: moving SUCKS when you are expecting!!!

Also, I had to post this picture of my baby brother
who had the most amazing letters playing scrabble on July 4th!
God Bless America :)

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Growing Growing Growing!

20 weeks!!!
I am officially half way if I was having a singleton.
Even though I look like I could pop in about 2 months I still have about 4ish to go!
I'm going to be huge and I just keep getting bigger
YAY! ha
good for babies, but not for my aching body.
I have only gained about 15 pounds, but there is no stopping in the near future.

Week 20 bump pic...

PS Eddie felt baby girl move this morning :)
He has been dying to feel them and he got too
he was so excited and one proud papa!
I love him.


Monday, May 21, 2012


As all of you know we are expecting TWINS!
AH! It is still so crazy to me.
A few weeks ago at our last ultrasound we found out what we were having.
Our boy was very spread eagle for us to see he was definitely a HE
and our girl was being modest so he was only 90% sure it was a girl.

We have another appointment this Thursday so hopefully that 90% turns to a 100%
because we both want one of each so badly.

No matter what we will love each no matter what!
We already love them like crazy.
I can't believe we are over half way to see them.

This is my official 19 week belly.


Monday, April 30, 2012

Due Fall 2012

We are expecting TWINS come Fall of 2012.
Husband and I are so very excited and we can't wait till the 2 nuggets get here.
Hopefully we find out what we are having this week.
Stay posted :)

Friday, December 30, 2011


Christmas came and went and I was not at all disappointed.  It was our very first Christmas as married old people and I loved every minute of our cute little new family. Husband asked a question the night before Christmas eve that made me giggle and have to tell everyone.

Husband: so do you think we overdid it?!
Wifey: its our first Christmas ever...we will learn!

And yes we definitely overdid ourselves this year and spent WAY too much (especially that husband of mine) but it was amazing and I know even without the gifts I would have loved it just as much just being with him on that special day!

We later went to my moms and had fabulous Christmas dinner and opened some more gifts and watched basketball.

Husbands parents sent us a surround sound to open that day and we have been putting that to good use every single night since.

we were really spoiled to say the least! :)

Until next year

My parents went in together and bought us the bedding we wanted
and my dad made us that peace wreath...IN LOVE

The Eve.

Loved having the family over
for our first EVER Christmas Eve celebration
in our new place!
It was lovely.